Thursday, September 27, 2012

Here is an updated background (color-wise) without much detail yet and the first 40 frames of the boy.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Finished Models

Here are the models without shading or texture using basic lighting.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Here is the concept for my 2D animation. This is for our memory project- I decided to create mine based on one of my very earliest memories. I wanted to be a butterfly for halloween one year and I made my mom make me some butterfly wings. I ended up getting really upset and crying when I couldn't actually fly. In my animation, I plan on showing him jumping and flapping his wings, then landing unsuccessfully in the pile of leaves. I will have a bunch of leaves fly up (hopefully), and I thought it would be cool if I could make it a loop.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We had to create a 3d animatic that shows the timing and the camera placements. Still very basic as there is little color and the objects will be replaced.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Second round storyboard/concepts

I decided to change a lot of my storyboard and concepts. I didn't spend as much time on the storyboard, but I think it will work much better as an animation.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Idea/storyboard/concept art

Our semester project: create a 30 second animation from start to finish (concept, modeling, rigging, lighting, etc.). The only constraints: it has to be based on a short poem or limerick, it has to have 2 organic characters, a mood shift, and at least 4 props.

My first task was to find a suitable poem from which I could create a simple story. I spent hours at Barnes & Noble looking at children's poetry books. I found a few good ones, and for a while I thought I would create one about a guy on a small boat who has so much anti-shark stuff but ends up being eaten by an octopus or something. I decided that this idea would be a bit difficult to execute and finally found a poem I really liked:

"In the window of the washroom
at our school yesterday,
A little bug was crawling,
in its little buggy way.

I whispered in its tiny ear,
to not make any noise,
because it was a ladybug,
and the washroom is for boys."

- Lois Simmie

We had about half a week to come up with the storyboard and concept art, but I needed to go to Austin for the weekend for my girlfriend Alex's birthday, so I ended up working feverishly to create this storyboard:

The next thing I had to do was create some concept art. Here is the front/side of the ladybug:
and here is the front/side of the boy: