Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Getting back into painting

My drawing wrist has been hurt so I decided to paint with my left hand. I started with this digital quick sketch:

And I very loosely started painting this in acrylic (WIP). The colors are based on the digital colors, but aren't exact. 

While not finished, I was done with that for tonight so I took my leftover paint and painted over some existing stuff on a different canvass (also WIP). 

While I didn't intend to, I actually began to think a lot about aesthetics and human consciousness. For instance, I began to ask myself why I was putting certain marks in certain places and really trying to understand why I though it looked better after the stroke. Or did I make it worse? What is better or worse, more pleasing or not? I think these are deep mathematical questions that no human can quite articulate, but they are fun to ponder while painting. I enjoy exploring these notions.

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