Monday, March 24, 2014

Idea for next work.

I really love the work of Syd Mead (below). He's a prominent futurist and has created many captivating images. 

Lately, I've been thinking about the importance of my work. Like Phil said: "obviously it shows you have technical skills, but why should anybody care about this work"? He's right, why should anybody care? Well, I agree with Phil that I can grow in this area and put more thought into this question. I think it has already helped with some ideas for my next work. 

Like Mead, I'd like to try and visualize the future, but make it really personal and have it reflect examples of a future I would really like. It may not be a practical vision, as in, I may not believe the scenes would reflect the most likely outcome. I do think it's important though to show a possible outcome. I think this is one quality which a lot of Mead's works reflected. I think it's important that artists continue to create visions of the future because as long as it seems that it might be possible to achieve it, I believe people will internalize the ideas and in some way help to bring something like them about. 

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